Saturday, July 31, 2010

Technical Difficulties.

Everyone, please take a moment and shed a tear for my computer - my hard drive FRIED yesterday morning. I had just updated all the point tallies for last week and was getting ready to post them on the blog, and now, well, NOPE.  Mac is now in the shop, and a new hard drive has been ordered. Good news is, the hard drive is under warranty and will be replaced for free. Bad news is, I have to pay for my data to be recovered. More bad news is, I will have a blank slate of a computer and have to reinstall EVERYTHING next week. Worse news is, a bunch of my data was corrupted in this process, including my entire email database, and who knows what else.  SIGH. What does this mean to you? I won't be able to get a hold of my spreadsheets or receive any emails or make any blog posts the next few days.  :  (  
On that note, Amberly will be taking the reins for a few days. Please emaiil her at amberly.robinson at gmail dot com with your point tally for the week, etc. You can still call me with questions if you like!

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